My Health Journey

My journey to health and natural body care started as a young mom of two, 14 years ago, with all day fatigue, brain fog, and a myriad of other symptoms weighing me down. I knew there had to be a better way and never being one to run to the doctor, I dug in books, internet forums and even took some courses to find information on how to help my body heal.

In my journey for a better way I realized something. The healing I was searching for had to begin with switching personal care items to completely natural options and using nothing with fragrances. My new way of living also had to include dietary and gut healing measures along with supplements.

I’m happy to say that I’ve healed myself from many things that probably would have just gained a label and prescription had I gone to the doctor. I believe God has given us the ability to heal anything with the resources He’s given us.

My hope is that you’ll be blessed by our products and will continue your journey in natural health after switching out your personal care items.

Many blessings,

Jessica Karns


We use natural, and botanical ingredients along with natural, plant based oils and butters to provide quality products at an affordable price. We try our best to source and use ingredients that are safe for you and your family. We use organic ingredients when they are available for sourcing and most of our synthetic (still plant based) ingredients are ECO certified.

We pride ourselves in using only the best ingredients, with some of our finest products containing all natural and organic ingredients. When you buy a Rapha Elements product you can be sure you are purchasing a high quality, all around good for you, effective product with real ingredients.


Here at Rapha Elements we use high quality essential oils to scent and formulate all of our products instead of cheap and potentially harmful synthetic fragrances.

We are not an essential oil brand loyalist or enthusiasts and purchase all of our essential oils at wholesale, by the pound rather than 1/2 ounce or ounce. We do this to provide the high quality products that we do at an affordable price for the consumer. The use of high quality oils also ensures that all the benefits of the oils are being reaped.

I’ve been using this shampoo for about 2 years. Whenever I use a different shampoo, I’m reminded how much better this one is! I used to get such a dry and itchy scalp, especially in the winter, and then my hair would get greasy. With this shampoo my hair gets clean but not dried out, and my hair doesn’t get greasy fast.

Kelly / Natural Shine Shampoo

I have been using Benica’s bar soaps exclusively for several years. Berry Bliss for the face. Hard Working Man is my personal favorite for the body simply because I love patchouli. All of the scents are nice. Soaps are non-drying and the large bars last a very long time!

Peggy P. / Benica’s Goat Milk Soap

I have tried many natural type deodorants. None have worked as well as Benica’s. In fact, one well known (and more expensive) natural deodorant left me with rashes. I have not broken put a single time using Benica’s. It smells wonderful AND one sticks lasts a really long time! I will continue purchasing for me and my family.

Elaine / Benica’s Deodorant Pit Stick